The Maestro Foundation relies upon the generous support of many individuals and corporate sponsors to fund programs and scholarships.

Each year, a major fundraising event is held which brings together our supporters for an evening of entertainment and good company. In addition to performances by some of our talented students, many of Canada's leading artists have generously contributed their own performances. In recent years our headline performers have been Robert Pilon, Patricia O'Callaghan, Carol Welsman, Guido Basso, Mark Dubois, Ofra Harnoy, Don Harron, Lister Sinclair, Mike Ruby, Liz Rodrigues, Dr. Draw, Nancy Walker and her trio and Heather Bambrick and her trio.

Donations are needed and welcome at any time during the year. There is always a new program or child in need of our help and your generosity.

Please contact the Maestro Foundation if you would like to become one of our supporters, large or small, or become identified with one of our programs or a scholarship or award or perhaps one of our Gala Sponsors. Contact Susan Collins through the Maestro Foundation office at 416-944-8244 or email

27th Annual Gala at Casa Loma Wednesday Dec. 11th, 2024

Ticket Information


26th Annual Gala - Holiday Stars Gala at Casa Loma

December 5, 2023


An Evening in Support of Maestro Scholarships

On July 26, 2023 about 60 guests gathered at the grand home and garden of Nona Heaslip for an evening in support of Minstrel Foundation Scholarships. Guests were entertained by Vivid Ma, a multiple Minstrel scholarship winner over the past 5 years. Vivid graduated from the University of Toronto in 2022 and is currently entering second year of her MA program, studying piano performance at the Butler School of Music at the University of Texas under the tutelage of Anton Nel. The evening was a huge success and ensured the planned funding of scholarships for advanced studies over the next year.